A shared blog for mothers who breastfeed to offer support for each other and share our experiences.
Tuesday, December 23
Moms Rising Petition
Posted by
1:56 AM
I just signed the Statement of Support for Breastfeeding Mothers, and I hope you will too. Why? Well, doctors agree that breastmilk is best for infants, but their own licensing board isn't following doctor's orders. Sophie Currier recently learned that when it comes to supporting breastfeeding, many of our leaders--whether they are in the medical establishment (as in Sophie's case), business sector, or elsewhere--still don't "walk the talk." You see, Sophie was denied breast pumping breaks during her nine hour medical licensing exam. She's not alone. Even in this day and age when the medical evidence is clear that breastfeeding is best for infants, women are regularly denied the time and location to pump.
JOIN ME IN SUPPORTING THE BREASTFEEDING PROMOTION ACT! Sign the Statement of Support for breastfeeding moms everywhere now: "Healthcare professionals inform us that breastfeeding is the best possible way to ensure that babies thrive. In turn, we must ensure that breastfeeding mothers are able to breastfeed, and given the time and environment to pump at work or during other professional obligations." Congress and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) need to hear that breastfeeding must be supported for all moms, and that we support the Breastfeeding Promotion Act which is currently before Congress.
*To sign the Statement of Support for breastfeeding moms, just go to: Breastfeeding Petition
After you sign the Statement of Support, please forward this email to friends and family so they can sign on as well!
STAND WITH SOPHIE, JANEE, AND MOTHERS ACROSS THE NATION! Women like Janee McConnell could also use the Breastfeeding Promotion Act. Janee worked in a grocery store that had a health consciousness she admired. She was such a committed employee that she rose to a management job quickly and was called a "rock star" by the other employees. After her third child was born, she tried to pump at work but there was no private place to go other than a dirty, windowless electrical room. When her milk supply dropped she spoke up but store management was unsympathetic. She resigned from her management position and eventually from the store all together.
Frankly, we all lose when we don't support mothers--businesses lose excellent employees, infants lose important nutrients, and women lose needed jobs. No mom should have to choose between keeping her job and feeding her baby and protecting her own health.
SHARE YOUR STORY: Many of us mothers know personally what it's like to juggle breastfeeding babies and work. Some of us have also experienced the pain of engorgement and the risk of mastitis when feeding or pumping doesn't occur every few hours. Stories like this are common. You may even have experienced something similar yourself. *Share your story on our blog at: Moms Rising
All too often women aren't able to breastfeed their babies even though the American Academy of Pediatrics tells us it's one of the most important things we can do for a child's health. Let's send a strong message together that it's time to "walk the talk" for healthy infants and mothers.
*Don't forget to sign the Statement of Support to tell the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) and Congress that we want breastfeeding to be supported for all moms--and to forward this email to friends so they can sign on too. Just click here to sign on now: Petition
Thank you!
Tuesday, November 11
Nov. 2, 2008
Posted by
6:31 PM

Three pushes later and little Isabella was born! Big brother Julius is so excited to have a baby sister.
I'm feeling good. Nursing is going great! I have a breast pump that I'll try next month since I'll have to go back to work in Feb. and I'm taking evening classes on Thursdays in December for my re-certification.
It's so unfair that maternity leave is so short. In Canada it's for one year AND paid!! For me it's six weeks paid, and six weeks unpaid. Which is better than other jobs, I know, but it's still not fair.
Saturday, September 20
Medela Freestyle
Posted by
4:18 PM
I used Medela when I pumped years ago, and now I see that Medela has some newer models as well as a new pump: Medela Freestyle.
It's supposed to be hands free. But does it really work? I'd love to hear some input from anyone whose tried it!!
Thursday, September 4
Babycenter Community Answers
Posted by
12:56 AM
I'm not the only mom stressed about extended breastfeeding and when to wean... Please check the community answers at BabyCenter.com to hear what other moms are saying. And here was my comment on the community board.
I'm seeking some feedback on this. I'm ready to quit breastfeeding, Chase isn't and Kevin is urging that we stick to the birthday deadline. Chase nurses to sleep and this presents a big problem. Throughout the night I rock him to sleep. But most nights end up sleeping in the rocking chair with him in my arms. And he rarely goes to sleep on his own no matter how tired he is. I know it's a comfort thing, but can't find any sort of lovey to replace nursing. His only other lovey is mommy's hair... He tickles his belly and ear and palm of his hands with it until he falls asleep... Weaning tips are most welcome!
My boyfriend has set a deadline for us to quit breastfeeding. 2 years. Only I'm not sure our son is ready. He's 21 months and showing no signs of letting up. Sometimes he'll skip nursing in the mornings and will eat plenty of snacks. He refuses cow milk, so switching him isn't working. I'm confident extended nursing is the best for him. Especially since he's only been sick once and has no known allergies. He has a good appetite, but likes to finish each meal/snack off with "feed me". The doctor gave me a odd look at 18 month visit and I was still nursing. He said nothing for or against it. I want him to be ready to wean, I don't want to force it on him. But I am ready. I enjoy this time together, but I want my body back.... -- GillianIvy
I'm seeking some feedback on this. I'm ready to quit breastfeeding, Chase isn't and Kevin is urging that we stick to the birthday deadline. Chase nurses to sleep and this presents a big problem. Throughout the night I rock him to sleep. But most nights end up sleeping in the rocking chair with him in my arms. And he rarely goes to sleep on his own no matter how tired he is. I know it's a comfort thing, but can't find any sort of lovey to replace nursing. His only other lovey is mommy's hair... He tickles his belly and ear and palm of his hands with it until he falls asleep... Weaning tips are most welcome!
Wednesday, September 3
Bassinet Safety Alert!!!!
Posted by
8:03 AM
Please forward this information to all mothers and would be mothers you know. This item is NOT being recalled! Later models may have the problem fixed, but older models which are already in circulation are not being recalled due to the company who purchased Simplicity disavows responsibility for items Simplicity had previously manufactured. Two babies have already died from this, so I urge you to pass this information along.
- http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml08/08378.html (CPSC.gov information)
- Babycenter.com article.
Saturday, July 12
breastfeeding saves money
Posted by
9:18 PM
Studies by Dr. Miriam Labbok, director of the breastfeeding division at Georgetown University Medical Center, indicate that the U.S. could save two to four billion dollars each year in health costs if all mothers breastfeed their newborns for at least the first three months. Here are a few more reasons to consider breastfeeding:
There is strong evidence that breastfeeding reduces the incidence of diarrhea, lower-respiratory infection, ear infections, urinary tract infections, bacterial meningitis, Crohn's Disease, colitis and other diseases (American Academy of Pediatrics).
Studies have shown that breastfed babies have significantly higher IQs (about eight points) than their formula-fed counterparts.
There may be a link to a decreased incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome among breastfed babies.
Numerous benefits to mothers include a reduced risk of ovarian and breast cancers, as well as a lower incidence of hip fractures during the post-menopausal period.
Tuesday, July 1
Posted by
10:32 PM
Sigh. Chase seems to be nursing more and eating solid foods less. Maybe he's feeling he needs my attention more? Or perhaps he's not wanting the foods I feed him. We've had a restrictive budget lately, so the selection has been unvaried. If he has peanut butter and jelly one day, he will barely eat it, or reject it the next day. Any advice? He feeds so much that his stools are no longer very firm. What can I do to encourage him to eat more? Also, he requests ice cream at every meal. I think he's refusing to eat anything else....
Wednesday, June 25
Posted by
10:47 PM
To pump or not to pump. When I went back to work after the birth of Julius, many people figured I would just stop nursing. Instead, I pumped. I used Medela's electric pump when I was driving (red lights were rather interesting...lol) and Medela's Harmony manual pump when I had a few free minutes of time.
I nursed and pumped until Julius was two years old, and though some days the nanny had to mix formula in with the breastmilk because I hadn't been able to pump enough, I felt content that I was providing my son with the best nutrition available.
Now, with the upcoming birth of my second child, one thing that I don't need to stress about is whether or not to pump. Yes it was time-consuming, but well worth it.
Sunday, April 20
Brain Child
Posted by
5:29 PM
As I sat in my lazy boy rocker nursing my son for his afternoon nap, I was thinking of something for the community of nursing moms. I started on the thought because I don't get to go out very much. Partly due to lack of transportation, but also because of the fact that I'm the only breastfeeding mom in the little town I live in. There's plenty of other moms with young babies, my boyfriend's cousins, all within walking distance. But I don't really know them and don't socialize with them. Which makes me feel Chase is missing out on the socializing that most babies his age would get.
So I thought how great it would be to have a place where I could socialize with other nursing moms, in public. And nurse in public as well. I'm very much pro NIP, but only do that in the car, as my son is very easily distracted and most stores do not have an area for sitting down. I was pleased to discover that Babies R' Us has a Mother's room area beside the restrooms. I haven't used it yet, but next time, I will.
So here's my idea. A small strip mall or bazaar where all the shops are geared towards parenting and pregnancy with many comfortable places to nurse. Perhaps even an enclosed play park with comfortable benches and a lovely garden. A lovely way nursing moms could spend the whole day, nursing at their leisure, meeting other moms and doing their shopping. There'd be cafes and clothing stores, book stores and toy stores, maybe a baby superstore or department stores aimed at children and mom's in particular. All with comfortable seating areas where moms are welcomed and encouraged to nurse their children. Also private rooms for nursing babies who prefer quiet, spaced often throughout the strip mall, and many restrooms for pregnant nursing mommies.
Course, dads would be welcomed too. The idea is to provide a place where people who are offended by public nursing won't be going. Nursing moms have the right in most states to nurse wherever they have a legal right to be. If anyone tries to kick you out of a store or public place for nursing, you can sue their friggin' pants off! Despite this, most women aren't comfortable nursing in public because of how many people would be up in arms about it.
And for the active mom, she may find nursing discouraging as she won't be able to do it any where she goes. My son has always hated formula and I'd had to mix breastmilk into it to get him to drink it at all. Besides, formula was always a major upset to his bowels, often causing constipation. Pumping is laborious and can take a month to get enough to last for a single outing. I'm sure many moms give up in part due to the lack of freedom.
I want to promote and encourage women to breastfeed. I feel if little strip malls like this, which would be in shopping districts were to pop up all over the country, I'm sure the statistics of mothers who continue to nurse for at least the first year would steadily rise. Our health care system and government agencies say they want to encourage women to breastfeed, yet there's nothing in our public buildings to accommodate for breastfeeding mothers.
I'll write more on this later. Please, feel free to share with me any ideas to get this into action or any comments you may have on this.
Wednesday, April 16
Pins and Needles
Posted by
3:33 PM
I'm not sure how many others have experienced this, though I read online, I think on a Babycenter.com forum, that a pins and needles sensation is fairly commonplace. To me, it was kind of painful. And after every feeding this pain would shoot through the breast I had most recently fed with. I almost wanted to give up then.
I asked my midwife what was wrong and to examine me. She said I was fine and sent me on my way. Perhaps, I hadn't properly explained the pain I was feeling. Or maybe she was just very dismissive of me. She dismissed my complaints of pain during my pregnancy that had me puking. Turned out to be gall bladder stones. Had to go to the ER to find that and they had no trouble figuring out what was wrong with me. So, I doubt my explanations were insufficient. Needless to say, she won't be my practitioner next baby!
Fortunately, I didn't have to go to the ER to figure this one out. I was worried that I might develop Mastitis, so my fears were alleviated thanks to BabyCenter. As near as I can figure, after a full nursing in which the hind milk is eaten as well I would experience this. Sometimes, when he fell to sleep still vigorously nursing, I would feel it before he'd finished and know I'd need to detach and switch sides. If he only had a quick snack, then I'd not have any problems. So I figure it's the stimulation of having been emptied.
To ease this, I found a deep tissue massage seemed to do the trick, or warm compress. I wish I had known about this beforehand so I wouldn't have been so worried that something was wrong. Well, I hope this information can benefit other mothers experiencing the same.
To me it was very excruciating in the beginning. I'm very well endowed and that might be a factor as to why it hurt so much. Others described pins and needles, but it is unlike your foot falling asleep type of pins and needles. That'd be weird... I think it was more like REAL pins and needles!
Knowing that my son was getting the benefit of my hind milk definitely helped me tolerate this. I still get it every now and then, when he eats more thoroughly. Some days he feeds more and others he eats more snacks and such. No real signs of weaning yet! It's still about every 2 hours for a feeding or snacking. Or snack n' napping!
Birth Announcement
Posted by
3:26 PM
Congratulations go out to my dear friend Geri who is celebrating the birth of her little girl, Ava Rose. Ava Rose White was born on April 13th at 9:50pm. She is 7lbs 5.5 oz, 19.5 inches long. Please give Geri some love! This is her third child, each has been an incredible blessing in her life. I'm happy for you, Hun!
Monday, April 7
The Cure For Everything
Posted by
4:19 AM
Only if life's problems all had this same answer as they do now. He's hungry -- Feed him. He's not feeling well -- Nurse him. He bumped his head -- Nurse. Right now, whatever is wrong (except a poopy diaper) then nursing is the simple solution... What he really wants the most is love, attention and to be comforted when things aren't going well and he's unhappy. Breastfeeding goes beyond the needs of nourishment. It is comforting to be held secure and snug in your mommy's arms where it's warm and cozy. Look up into her loving eyes as she smiles reassuringly to you to let you know that as long as she's there, everything will be alright.
Too bad our sweet little babies grow up and as they do they have bigger problems with harder answers. We should be grateful now, while they're still small enough for us to pick them up and kiss their foreheads to make it all better, that it's this easy to be the hero.
So whenever you're wishing your little one could fall to sleep on his own (and stay asleep) or that he'd give you more freedom from constant nursings, keep in mind that some day you'll wish that things were so simple. Some day you won't have the answer to every problem life throws at you and you'll miss these days. Cherish them.
My son rarely falls to sleep on his own. And hasn't slept through the night since before he got four teeth at once around 7 months. Well, that was 10 months ago! Ten months since I've slept though the night! The problem isn't that he needs to nurse to sleep, I don't mind that so much. It's that he wakes up three hours later and I haven't the heart (or rather, lack of) to allow him to cry himself to sleep.
I tried the cry it out method once, and he still woke up 3 hours later any way and still crying. Quicker and easier to nurse him. Besides, in order to listen to him crying and not come to his side, I had to attempt to emotionally detach myself from the situation. When I realized that, I felt horrible that I could ever do that to my child. Not care. He wanted my comfort and love, why on Earth would I withhold my love from my son whom I love so much? I'm willing to sacrifice my sleep and comfort my child to sleep. For another year if I have to, or however long it takes.
Yea, I can teach him to comfort himself, by not giving him my comforting, and what, teach him that when it comes down to it, the only person you can count on is yourself? I think that's a very pessimistic outlook in life, and I want him to learn that it is better to love and trust and be betrayed and hurt than to never open yourself up at all. For the chance that you'll find the same love returned back to you, it's all worth it.
Am I over intellectualizing the consequences of comforting method vs. cry-it-out? Yes, but so do all those cry-it-out fanatics who swear by it up and down and try to shove it down your throats. Enough already. I'm going to love and raise my son my way and I won't tell you how to raise your kids. There's no way to prove which is the right way. This is the way that works for me and we're all happy and that is all that matters to me.
It is tiring to have so many interrupted nights of sleep. We just moved him from our bed to a toddler bed. He seems to be adjusting well, but he still wakes, and now it's harder for me to comfort him back to sleep. Either I contort myself to nurse him in his bed, or I pick him up and nurse him in the recliner. Unfortunately, if I opt for the latter, I'm often too tired and fall asleep, and wake up with a sweaty baby in my arms. And putting him back in the toddler bed might just wake him up. It was easier in the bed, just had to whip it out and then he'd fall right back to sleep, and so could I. We'll all adjust....
Saturday, April 5
Mothers Saving Lives
Posted by
7:56 PM
Breastfeeding can save lives, literally.
Thursday, April 3
Fitting Your Lifestyle
Posted by
11:56 PM
It is a big decision to choose whether or not to breastfeed and to choose the right way to do it that will fit your lifestyle. Myself, I am a stay-at-home Mom who can devote all of her time to the care of my son. Most mothers this day and age it really isn't an option to stay home. Even working from home moms might have difficulty meeting the demands of exclusive breastfeeding. But a fair in-between might work for you.
Unfortunately, the work field isn't generally designed for the working mom's needs in mind. Many workplaces do not have a break area where a mother can quietly and comfortably pump, and I'm not suggesting women use the employee restroom. You wouldn't eat YOUR lunch there, so why would you prepare your child's there? Many workplaces also will not easily accommodate for the time needed to pump. Generally once every two hours you'd need an averagely 15 minute break. In an 8 hour shift you'd need roughly 3 breaks totaling around 45 minutes or more. When deciding whether or not to breastfeed while working, talk to your employer about what accommodations can be made.
Then you'd need to acquire the right pump for the job. A double pump hospital grade should do the job in no time. Moms who won't be pumping as often can use a manual or lesser grade. Build up your milk supply before returning to work. To do this pump once every 2 hours round the clock for about two days, then start pumping at a scheduled routine. Example: Nurse in morning, then begin 2 hour pump routine as you would at work while feeding your child stored milk as he/she would from a caretaker, then at your return from work time continue feedings as normal. Of course, you'd need to adjust that to fit your needs. Some mothers may need to supplement with formula if their at work milk supply is low. With each growth spurt your child has, you may need to pump around the clock again to build up the milk supply. Babies do this naturally for you when they nurse practically all day and sleep the rest of the time.
Pumping tips:
Wednesday, April 2
Welcome Extended
Posted by
9:04 PM
My son is now 16 months and still breastfeeding. I have encountered a bit of surprise as most Americans don't go beyond the recommended (at least) one year. Most American women aren't going beyond the first 3 months. Pressure, stress, work, society's demands, teeth come in and just the fact that breastfeeding is a lot of work. It's a full time job in itself. And that once every two hour feeding schedule is ALWAYS once every two hours (except sleep). Even when the baby starts eating real food.
My son wakes up to nursing, then has breakfast then sometimes nurses with his snack, then nurses to nap. Wakes nursing then lunch and nurse with snack, then sometimes takes his second nap, with of course, a feeding. Then wakes up and has his dinner and then nurses at least one more time before nodding off to bed. When you account for meal preparation in there, it seems all the boy is doing is eating. Well, he's doing a lot of growing too.
So, I want to help encourage women to continue breastfeeding as long as it's comfortable for both mother and child. At least one year for the health benefits, and beyond for all the other benefits. I'll be compiling a list of pro's and con's later on, which readers are welcomed to add to. If any breastfeeding mother (or if you're planning to) is wishing to help contribute to this blog, please send me a message for an invite, you are most welcomed.
I'm a stay-at-home Mom, so exclusive nursing was an easy option for me. To me, my son is worth the self sacrifice of my time for a year or two, which will benefit him for the rest of his life. Early nutrition is essential. Especially if your child is born premature or with a low birth weight. Besides, I enjoy the time I get top spend holding him, and now more so than ever as he wants to spend all his time running around exploring and playing rather than being held. I know when he gets older, I'll never get to sneak in those extra hugs and kisses, so best get all that I can now.
I plan to allow him to wean himself. He's already started dropping the snacktime nursings or not nursing as long when he does take them.. I hear it is easier on both mother and child if weaning is done gradually rather than all of the sudden. I remember the excruciating pain I was in the beginning when I'd become engorged. I've been told you have to not feed for about three days and be engorged all the time and wear a constricting bra and not take too hot of a shower and be in a lot of pain. No thanks. That sounds like Mastisis (sp? infected duct) to me.
And it can be traumatizing to have the comfort of nursing and mom's love suddenly withheld. Best to do it on his terms. If he gets to choose when to break free of nursing, he may lead a more independent life. So them crazy experts who do all those studies say.. What do they know?
Well, that's what fits my lifestyle the best. Of course, we'll each raise our own kids are own ways and who's right and who's wrong is really a pointless debate. I really don't want this blog to digress into heated debates about whether or not to breastfeed our children and who's evil because they do or don't.
The point of this blog is to spread the word about the benefits to both mother and child to breastfeed and to give encouragement to those who do to try to stick in there. The going will get rough, after three months of being deprived of sleep and your little bundle of joy has woken you up in the middle of the night to try out his new chomper and clamp down on your tender nips you might want to throw in the towel right then. So join this blog, tell your stories, share some mom to mom advice.
We're here to establish a support system for moms like us. All are welcomed here, no matter what creed, race or other. Only one rule, play nice. No nasty blogging or flame war type of behavior will be tolerated in the least. Myself and Julieta are both admins, so contact either of us to join.
Friday, March 28
Benefits of breastfeeding
Posted by
7:21 PM
I found this great article that discusses the benefits of breastfeeding. The link is attached above in the title, however I'll post a few key points here:
For the baby
For the baby
- complete form of nutrition for infants
- Premature babies do better when breastfed compared to premature babies formula fed
- Breast milk has agents (called antibodies) in it to help protect infants from bacteria and viruses
- Breastfed babies score slightly higher on IQ tests
For the mother
- Nursing uses up extra calories, making it easier to lose the pounds of pregnancy
- Breastfeeding lowers the risk of breast and ovarian cancers
- It saves time and money
- Breastfeeding can help a mother to bond with her baby
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