Wednesday, January 7

A Lungful

Always seem to find yet another article supporting extended breastfeeding. Chase is now over 2 years old, and I'm still breastfeeding him. Now it's down to only 2-4 times per day, usually just before nap/bedtime, and maybe a snack. Some nights he might go to bed without it, but others, he wakes up in the middle of the night to feed. But his general appetite fluctuates a lot too. Some days, he'll eat like a bird, others he'll eat heartily.

Well, here's the latest article on the benefits of breastfeeding on the long-term scale. Lung capacity studies show children who breastfed atleast 4 months stronger than children who were bottlefed, regardless if bottlefeeding was breastmilk or formula. The suckling act proves a better lung exercise.

Despite what others think of me giving extended feeding to my son, I feel confident that I'm doing the right and natural thing. He's a happy child, and I'm a happy mom. Allowing him to wean himself will let him assert his independence and let him know that his opinion matters. I try to be responsive to my son when he talks to me, and being responsive when he wants to nurse is just as important. I could never let him "cry-it-out", nor will I deny him when he wants feeding. I'm hoping he will choose to wean soon, as I'd like to have my body back (somewhat) like it was before.

In a small way, it is depressing to look in the mirror and see how poorly my clothes fit me and how much weight I've gained. After he is done nursing, I may try dieting. Because my breasts are so large, I feel unattractive because I do not have the proper support in these nursing bras. I'm hoping my breasts will go down in size a bit. It's depressing to think they might be this big forever.... I'd almost consider breast reduction.