Wednesday, January 7

A Lungful

Always seem to find yet another article supporting extended breastfeeding. Chase is now over 2 years old, and I'm still breastfeeding him. Now it's down to only 2-4 times per day, usually just before nap/bedtime, and maybe a snack. Some nights he might go to bed without it, but others, he wakes up in the middle of the night to feed. But his general appetite fluctuates a lot too. Some days, he'll eat like a bird, others he'll eat heartily.

Well, here's the latest article on the benefits of breastfeeding on the long-term scale. Lung capacity studies show children who breastfed atleast 4 months stronger than children who were bottlefed, regardless if bottlefeeding was breastmilk or formula. The suckling act proves a better lung exercise.

Despite what others think of me giving extended feeding to my son, I feel confident that I'm doing the right and natural thing. He's a happy child, and I'm a happy mom. Allowing him to wean himself will let him assert his independence and let him know that his opinion matters. I try to be responsive to my son when he talks to me, and being responsive when he wants to nurse is just as important. I could never let him "cry-it-out", nor will I deny him when he wants feeding. I'm hoping he will choose to wean soon, as I'd like to have my body back (somewhat) like it was before.

In a small way, it is depressing to look in the mirror and see how poorly my clothes fit me and how much weight I've gained. After he is done nursing, I may try dieting. Because my breasts are so large, I feel unattractive because I do not have the proper support in these nursing bras. I'm hoping my breasts will go down in size a bit. It's depressing to think they might be this big forever.... I'd almost consider breast reduction.


just_me said...

your breasts will go down a little... I guess it depends on genes. My sister's depleted a little after her first, and then a lot after her second. With me, my cup size stayed the same, but my width went down from 36 back to 34. We'll see what happens when I'm done nursing Isabella. That is awesome that you're still nursing Chase! It takes a lot of commitment, I'm so proud of you for waiting until Chase shows you that he's ready. I remember so many people asking me "when are you going to wean Julius?" after he turned one, and I insisted that he would tell me when he was ready. And I nursed him until he weaned himself at 24 months. Kids are so much smarter than people give them credit for.
I'm sorry you feel unattractive. You look great in the pictures I've seen of you. But I know how hard a person can be on themselves regarding self image. I hope you feel good about yourself again soon. In the meantime, know that Chase thinks you're the most beautiful mommy in the world :)

GillianIvy said...

I'm awaiting a shipment of new bras I've ordered. Very excited about it. With a bit of support, it may lift my spirits up a bit about my self image. But in my ratty threadbare bra which I'm embarrassed to wear in front of my boyfriend even.

There weren't any in my exact size... Thank goodness for Frederick's of Hollywood though. They carry 36G, which I'm wearing 38G and measure as 37" so can fit either size. 38 is a little more comfortable, but anything is better than what I've got.